If you are interested with our books ,you can send the email to us:encounters@sinolingua.com.cn and write clearly about the name of the books ,the quantities,the address and the way of delivery.
New textbooks provide a single-use, non-transferrable code that provides a student with access to the program’s audio-visual media through the Encounters website. Unfortunately, the verification code in a used book has already been used and is no longer valid. We suggest returning the used book, if possible, and purchasing a new book online or in your bookstore. If you are unable to do so, you may purchase access to the Encounters website by following the instructions for purchasing Extended Website Access.
Below are the ISBN's for the current components of the Encounters Program.
Item | ISBN
书号 | Pricing / Availability 价格/是否有货 |
Student Book 1 (includes audio/visual media for 1 year) 《环球汉语-学生用书1》 | 987-7-5138-0233-8 | 139.00RMB/Available Buy Now |
Student Book 2 | | Will be published soon |
Annotated Instructor’s Edition 1 《环球汉语-教师用书1) | 978-7-5138-0234-5 | 179.00RMB/Available Buy Now |
Annotated Instructor’s Edition 2 《环球汉语-教师用书2) | | Will be published soon |
Character Writing Workbook 1 《环球汉语-汉字练习本1》 | 978-7-5138-0231-4 | 49.00RMB/Available Buy Now |
Character Writing Workbook 2 《环球汉语-汉字练习本2》 | | Will be published soon |
Screenplay 1 《环球汉语-剧本1》 | 978-7-5138-0232-1 | 49.00RMB/Available Buy Now |
Screenplay 2 | | Will be published soon |
DVD Lab Pack 1 | 978-7-8871-7239-6 | 299.00RMB/Available Buy Now |
DVD Lab Pack 2 | | Will be published soon |
Website | www.encounterschinese. com.cn | Available |
Extended Website Access* |
Student Book 1 Online Content - 6 months | 59.00RMB / Available |
Student Book 1 Online Content - 12 months | 99.00RMB / Available |
Student Book 2 Online Content - 6 months | Will be published soon |
Student Book 2 Online Content - 12 months | Will be published soon |
*Extended website access is designed for students who wish to purchase continued access to specific online student book content. Students should email enounters@sinolingua.com.cn with their full name, address, credit card type (visa or mastercard), credit card number, and credit card expiration date. The Encounters Support team will then reply with the appropriate student code.

Place your Encounters order now, and begin a unique journey into Chinese language and culture.
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Request complimentary Sample Unit and obtain access to the audio/visual media on the website.
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